Jersey Budd performs Never Alone Again at Bradgate Park
I first filmed the very talented Jersey Budd back in 2007 at a charity event raising awareness and funds for Cancer Research UK. Here we are some ten years later and its good to see this very talented singer song writer is still singing and writing cool songs. Jersey released a new album called The Gather Dust, and we decided to film and produce two videos from it. “Justified” was shot at Quad studios based in leicester and “Never Be Alone Again”was shot in the very beautiful Bradgate park. Two very different songs which needed two very different videos.
Justified was shot with one Black Magic 4.6 camera with a Samyang 35mm and Canon 24-105mm lens fitted. I got Jersey to sing the entire song directly into the camera then shot various band members singing along to the track and ended up with 8 different takes of the same song. Then multicam edited the track t look like I had more than one camera. The funny thing was that the piano that was used in the film was very out of tune but Andy played it despite sounding like Les Dawson was playing. I am very happy with the end result as is Jersey and his band.
Sadly the weather was very overcast when we went to Bradgate park but that was the only free date available for both of us. Like filming Justified I got jersey to sing his song several times and I filmed each time from a different angle. This was a very hard video to edit as each scene inside of each picture frame had to be rendered out as its own separate video. The hard thing was to match each video clip to the audio track from scene to scene whereby Jersey can be seen playing / singing in the hanging picture frames.
I do like video challenges and this is by far the biggest challenge I have had to get around but with determination to make a cool looking video I think I pulled it off.
So if you like what you have heard and seen why not pop over to Jerseys Facebook page and like it and tell him Dave sent you.